The Road Ahead
It’s always kind of concerned me
that most of my role models live in vans (or have lived in vans at some point). It’s a reminder of a choice we often forget we have; it’s the difference between Tuesday mornings becoming once-in-a-lifetime experiences. There is a whole world out there in motion. The sun is rising on those places you dream of in your mind and will set on them later today. The price of admission is a little whimsy, some reckless abandon, and the realization that the real barrier between us here and us in that moment is a little comfort.
There’s a tradeoff that exists—a freedom that can only be found with a little uncertainty. One that keeps your eyes not on your feet or just the road ahead. Not on yourself but something bigger than you. It’s one that accounts for what’s over the horizon. The guys from the vans knew that and put themselves out there. The danger in becoming too fixated in your surroundings is starting to believe that they are what’s keeping you secure.